Our “touch” can never be replaced, although there are other instruments and technologies that broaden our sensitivities without causing pain or bruising. This 2 Day 16 hour International Certification Workshop will extend the life of your hands, your career, prevent over use injuries and grow your patient base. Join our practical “hands on” workshop and learn which features, bevels, angle of application meet your patient’s needs while releasing collagenous scar tissue in multiple planes of motion.
Eligibility to attend the ISST course
Physiotherapists, Exercise Specialists, Rehab specialists, Strength / Conditioning coaches, Athletic trainers, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Medical practitioners, Rolfers, Licensed/ Registered Manual therapists.
Course objectives
- Summarize the effects of soft tissue restrictions through various muscle loading techniques in multi- planar movement patterns.
- Identify indications, contraindications and precautions when using ISTM.
- Prepare the patient and the Dynamic release therapy (DRT) Instruments for evaluation and treatment.
- Learn and apply various techniques of ISTM using changing instrument angles, locations, movement, load, pressure, and positioning of the patient/clinician.
- Feel the difference between manual evaluations – Treatments and Dynamic release.
- Apply 3 Dimensional applications of DRT to specific regions of the body.
- Describe and quantify the changes in soft tissue improving multi-plane motion, stability & strength.
- Realize and apply the fundamentals of Dynamic release therapy.
- Utilize advanced instrument applications for the spine, upper extremities and lower extremities.
- Apply various Multi-plane Techniques for the spine, upper extremities and lower extremities.
- Apply 3-D techniques to enhance performance.
- Apply 3-D techniques to improve motion.
- Apply 3-D techniques to enhance strength, power & endurance.
- Measure the quantitative changes of 3-D ISTM applications.